What is Fairtrade?
The Fairtrade system aims to ensure that workers all over the world get a fair price for what they produce and financial support for their communities.
Shaftesbury has been a Fairtrade Town since 2008. Click here to read our story.
Click here on this link to read about our latest projects and events.
More information on our group and about the Fairtrade movement can be found below....
Upcoming Events
We will be hosting a talk about The Fairtrade Movement with particular reference to Nepal on Wed. March 19th at 7.30pm at Bell Street United Church Hall, Shaftesbury
All welcome
Shaftesbury Fairtrade Group activities during 2023
The second Fairtrade Town sign was erected near the Ivy Cross roundabout.
In response to Traidcraft going into administration, Transform Trade - the trade justice charity - launched a new fund to support the people this movement has always been about: the makers, growers and artisans.
The Shaftesbury Fairtrade group donated £500 to this fund.
Our revised directory of businesses in the area selling fairtrade and ethically produced goods was printed.
Arthur gave a short presentation about the Fairtrade group at a town meeting to highlight voluntary groups in the town that make a difference,
In celebration of the King’s Coronation and the launch of the new play area at St James Park the council facilitated a Children’s Coronation Crown Hunt. The Fairtrade group supported this event by sponsoring prizes of Fairtrade chocolate bars which were very popular with the 324 children who entered.
Some of the group visited 918, a certified B Corp Dorset coffee business, in Semley to hear about the business.
A successful Fair Trade town renewal bid was submitted. Our renewal certificate extends to July 2026. Special thanks to Anne for all her time and effort with this.
Arthur made his first order to We are Fair Trade and found it went very smoothly.
Our Fairtrade town renewal notice is displayed on the notice board in the Guild Hall
Arthur Simmonds was interviewed by Virginia Edwyn-Jones on This is Alfred.